
You were my good friend,

You got me through the times

I thought would overwhelm me.

I thought of you and it would be okay.

I pictured different ways,

Different paths, roads, means

But always the same end.

I found beauty and hope in you,

Escape from unyielding anxiety in you,

I put my faith, trust, hope in you,

But no one understood.

It’s sinful.

It’s selfish.

It’s awful to even allow the thought to sprout into your mind

Let alone consider.

WELL. The truth is I was alone,

At the bottom of the deepest


And I found you.

The ultimate escape,

But you gave me hope.


Both legs shake uncontrollably,


Comes over me,

Little rapid beats,

Fast-paced breaths,

A sense of urgency

Not rooted or anchored,

Just pervasive.

A thousand screaming voices,

Resounding in my mind,

Echoing, Demanding, Despairing.

Harsh whispers disable me,

Worry me,

Remind me of the misery,

Future days may hold.

I cling to you for solace,

Your promise of relief

All too alluring.

A puff or two will calm my nerves,

Will put my mind at ease:



Until Nicotine adds fuel to fires raging–

A cyclone I struggle to be free of.

Anxiety Today



Today anxiety eats me from the inside,

Destroying my will,

Feeding my fears,

Inciting panic.


Today I’m watching seconds crawl by,

Waiting apprehensively for time to pass

So I can make my way home

Crawl under my covers

Hide a bit.


Find some solace from

The worries that keep me up at night,

Following like shadows,



Today anxiety has me,

Firmly in its grip

I can’t escape.


Today I’ll try to get through

But tomorrow–

Tomorrow I hope

Is nothing like this.



Anxiety rules over me,


Grips my heart

My guts

My insides

Makes me weak.


I never learned to

Stand by my


Nourish my own


Find solid ground

To stand on



Solitude has followed me,

A shadow that I hide from,

Never calm within

My mind,

Never comfortable


Who I am


What I’m not.


Simply slipping

Down a slope–

To what end?

CBT Take Two

I previously posted about my CBT Fail–basically that I walked out on my social anxiety CBT group and never went back. Well I had a minor meltdown and started crying so I felt that I didn’t really want to go back there. Well, one of the therapists was super nice and is now doing individual therapy with me.

I’ve seen a lot of therapists in my lifetime. I once saw a psychiatrist for six months. I talked and talked. He asked some questions. Never really said much. Then after six months he told me I was dead inside. He told me the process of watching my mother die (she fought cancer for four years until she died in 2003) made me dead inside.

So, you can imagine how I feel about therapy.

Well, this feels different. First off it’s a CBT approach which I like. It’s less about going into my past, or subconscious and trying to figure out the source of all my problems and issues. It’s more about now–about my thoughts right now and how I can do things, take small steps, to improve my life. It’s very goal-oriented and I like that. It focuses you and helps create positive change almost immediately. I’ve already developed two goals for this week and I’m well on my way to completing one of them.

It’s definitely a start. Yesterday was my first session so I’ll have to see how it goes, but it seems promising and feels good.

Sometimes I can get caught up in trying to understand the origins of why I do things, or feel things. I try to figure out how I got here, why I’m so down sometimes, why I panic, feel anxious, feel unstable. I realize though the origin isn’t important. It won’t help me to figure out where to go from here. It seems counter-intuitive. I always thought if I figured out what caused me to be/feel/think this way (albeit it the ‘what’ in this scenario is actually a multitude of factors) I would be able to figure out how to deal with it, address it, undo it. But now I’m taking a different approach. Really doesn’t matter how I got here. What matters is where I want to go, and how to get there.



Compare and Chastise, Yourself



I haven’t written in a while about how things are going in the world of Depression/Anxiety/CBT. Well, CBT is off the table, I seem to have failed in that respect, or it failed me I’m not quite sure. I couldn’t take it anymore so I stopped. I’m going into individual counselling which I think will be more helpful for me. It seems my depression has overtaken my anxiety and it’s what I need to battle first and foremost. I spend a lot of time thinking about my life and what I’m doing with it and maybe that’s part of the problem. Maybe I need to do more and think less. I don’t know why I feel this way and I hate feeling this way. I go home after work (which I find draining in a killing-my-soul sort of way) and park myself in front of my TV while randomly looking stuff up on the internet. Trying to find something new to do, something meaningful to engage in.


I joined Tai Chi and quit after the first class. It was weird because I really enjoyed the first class, but the second time I went it was far too clique-y for me and I felt like I never wanted to go back again. So I didn’t. This seems to be my current pattern: avoid at all costs anything that makes you feel bad. Well that was a waste of $150. I gave the card to a friend though I’m not sure she’s going to take the classes either.

Even writing this I hate the way I sound. So whiny and obnoxious. My life is so tough, I’m a privileged North American adult yet I can’t seem to find any joy in my privilege or my life. I hate this fight. I blame myself, then wonder if it’s ‘me’ or something outside of my control going on inside my head. Just feels again like this isn’t ‘ME’ whatever this is. I don’t take anything in my life for granted and I know that I’m lucky to be employed, able-bodied, capable, to have different opportunities if I seek them. So then what exactly is my problem? I don’t know.

I volunteer my time toward causes I care about. It’s partly a solution at times–it alleviates some of the guilt and self-hatred associated with feeling so down and complaining despite the knowledge that others out there are suffering too, in different ways, and perhaps they too can’t help themselves. I’m supposed to realize, I guess, that my suffering isn’t as bad, objectively, as that of other people. I guess that’s what I try to tell myself, it’s the old comparison and chastisement–your life isn’t as bad as that person’s, you shouldn’t complain, you should help them.


Well, tell that to whatever the hell is going on inside my mind.





Today I feel fat and lethargic,

All flubbery,

My sadness jiggling

Around my waist,

The inside of my thighs,

My unloved handles.


It’s tiredness setting in,




Taking a toll

On my body—

Inside and out.


It’s time to lead my thoughts


To better places,

To cut down all the weeds,

To nourish flowers.

Bad Night



Tonight I’m having a really bad night. I don’t know why. I feel myself sinking deeper and further into depression. I’ve been so down lately. I hate this feeling and I hate myself for feeling it.

I talk to my best friend, she’s great. Always there for me, understanding. She tries to be practical, to help me see that there are ups and downs, and that’s okay. It’s important to remember when you’re down that an up is just around the corner. Problem is when you’re down it’s the ups you don’t believe in.

It’s hard to talk about depression with people who haven’t experienced it. I feel like a loser. Debbie downer. Suck it up and move on right? But I can’t. It overwhelms me, it swallows me whole, it ravishes me. There were times in the past when all I could think about was the end. It was bad. Now I know it’s just a thought and not something I would follow through on. I’m not sure what changed. Maybe it was the medication who knows. But now I feel myself falling into this pit again.

I tell myself I’m in a rut. It’s a phase, a hole I can climb out of. But it feels so overpowering and I feel helpless. I can’t talk about it much, I feel like I just bring other people down, I burden them, weigh them down with my issues, my problems, my self-centered weakness. I know it’s not true, but I know it in my mind not in my heart. I have all the sympathy in the world for people who go through this–I know what it feels like. But somehow I can’t extend any sympathy to myself. I can’t change how it makes me feel.

I don’t ever want to cry in front of someone, or call them crying, or reach out and allow myself to be supported by someone else. I take responsibility for myself. I want to be strong, and to fix anything that’s bothering me. It’s just hard to not blame myself, to not feel down on myself, be hard on myself. I really am not happy with my job right now. I hate it, I’m bored, it’s not fulfilling. But one thing I hate more is complaining–I can’t stand it when people complain about things they have the power to change. And a job is just such a thing. So I don’t want to feel down because my life feels unfulfilled.

I want to take initiative, find something I enjoy, find a job that I like, knowing that nothing is perfect. Find my passion–keep writing. It’s just when I’m down like this I want to change and do these things but I can’t bring myself out of this darkness to do it. So I hide away. I isolate myself so others don’t have to be burdened by me, and my sadness. I guess I’d rather be lonely than a burden.

It’s just hard because there’s a part of me that firmly asserts: this is not me. This is not who I am. Well, who is it then? I don’t know, it’s like I’m a puppet on a string and Depression controls my moves, overrides what I might choose for myself. I am not a pessimist. I am independent, I am strong, I believe in achieving things for yourself, fighting for what you want, being good to other people, working hard.

This isn’t me, but somehow, something stops me from being who I am. Or who I feel I am when the sun shines through and the strings are cut loose.


So I decided it’s time to find some new hobbies. I think this is important for a number of reasons. First, I’m clearly becoming bored with my life and this fuels my anxiety and restlessness. Secondly, it’s great to learn new things and I’m fortunate to have the time to devote to personal growth. Thirdly, I have a tendency to avoid trying new things, or exposing myself to things that make me nervous or uncomfortable. I think it’s good to overcome these fears by facing them, and trying new things despite the initial discomfort I may feel. Fourthly, there are great benefits I will experience from the hobbies I’ve chosen to try. I’m going to try Tai Chi (or, as my partner always reminds me ‘taiji’). I’ve never tried it before but I hear it will help with stress and anxiety and is also a good idea for me since I have a shoulder injury that prevents me from  more strenuous activities. I have also decided to sign up for some dog training. My dog has serious separation anxiety (yes, the irony isn’t lost on me…both my dog and I have anxiety issues :/) so I think it will help to get him out more and also reinforce my role as alpha, which is something I’m working on. Overall, I think it will be good. Lastly, I think it will also help my relationship by creating more balance and allowing me to refocus my efforts on myself. I think I allowed myself to depend too much on my partner, and I absolved myself of responsibility which is never a good thing. I’m responsible for myself, my life, and my happiness, whether or not I’m in a relationship. Overall, I think it will be good. For anyone out there contemplating Tai Chi (or dog training :/) I’ll keep you posted 🙂


I feel a panic attack coming on.


I try to ward away these thoughts-





I try to focus my attention on the moment.

Try to breathe.


It’s a fear that grips me whole.

A fear of being alone

Not just now,

But forever.


A fear of isolation,

A fear that these four walls

This unending silence

The roaring of my thoughts

Will never end.


There’s nothing worse

Than losing hope

In your own future.