worst enemies

source: tahirfarooq.wordpress.com

source: tahirfarooq.wordpress.com

We are our own worst enemies. This weekend I was reminded of that.

On a hike in the woods with some friends I got to chatting with a good friend of mine. Our talk became quite personal and I could tell it affected him strongly. I could see the emotions and their intensity written all over his face, his body language, and the tears that gently welled up in his eyes.

This conversation reminded me that we are always hardest on ourselves. The things we say to ourselves, the things we think, the way we view ourselves and our actions–we wouldn’t treat our friends this way.

Through my eyes, I saw a completely different person than who he felt himself to be. His mother played a huge role in that. She never seemed proud of him and she didn’t seem to believe in him at all. This made him doubt himself, look down on himself, judge himself, and at the end of the day, dislike and disbelieve in himself.

He had a lot of anger and rage toward his mother, and his feelings made him doubt himself further–he wondered if he was a cold, unemotional, unfeeling person, and whether something was wrong with him.

I reminded him of a day when he and I were supposed to be meeting up for a summer festival, and when he found me there I was bawling my eyes out. My father had said some very hurtful things to me moments before, and I was sobbing quite hysterically in public. When my friend met up with me I told him I was fine, it was nothing. I told him we should go, since we were supposed to meet up with other friends as well, and that I’d be fine.

He wouldn’t accept that. He told me to stop, and breathe, and gave me time to compose myself a bit. Then we walked to a quiet street and he wanted to know what was wrong, and what upset me. I could see that he was really affected by my tears, and that he cared about me a lot.

I reminded him of this day, and I told him–he was the last person I would ever describe as unfeeling or uncaring. He was a great friend–supportive, caring, considerate and always willing to help with anything he could.

Sometimes we’re hard on ourselves in a way we wouldn’t be with others. Sometimes we have stories in our minds that play out, whether or not they’re in touch with ‘reality’. We can sometimes see things in a very negative light.

A couple of months ago I found out I got a job that I really wanted. I was super happy and really looking forward to it. At the same time, within that period, I broke up with my boyfriend.

I felt really hopeless. I felt like I kept going in circles and was destined to feel the same sting of pain every time. Another relationship lost. I felt like everything was up in the air–I’d be starting a new job, I was fresh out of a relationship–so much change in so little time made me anxious.

I remember being in the car with my brother driving, and me bawling my eyes out because I really thought this guy might’ve been the one, and I really liked him a lot. My heart was breaking and it made everything look bad.

My brother asked me, and I could hear the sincerity in his voice: “how can two people look at the same thing and see something so different?”

My brother said he was proud of me for letting go of something that wasn’t right for me, and for ending that relationship. He could see I wasn’t happy. As much as I liked this guy, he had a lot of baggage and wasn’t treating me well because of it.  He said he was also proud of me for trying hard to find a job that I love, for going to interview after interview and not giving up until I got there.

While I saw someone whose life was in shambles, my brother saw strength and resiliency. He saw someone on the way to better things, someone who was strong and fought for herself.

Maybe sometimes the way we feel colours the way we see things, and how we perceive them to be. I felt really awful in that moment. I felt broken-hearted–a feeling that wasn’t quite new to me–and I felt hopeless. But that wasn’t the reality of my situation. Losing someone hurts, but it also opens the door to something better, to someone who can appreciate you the way you appreciate them. And as much as the unknown can be scary, starting a new job and being newly single doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Change can be good. Stability can be comforting, but, change can be good.

I think it’s good to take a step back every now and then and try to reassess the situation. Try to take that initial perception or interpretation and see it from different angles. See the different possibilities that might exist. Think of what you would say to a friend in that situation. How you would react, what you might think, what you would tell them.

Sometimes we give our friends and family a bit more slack than we give ourselves, and at the end of the day we owe it to ourselves to care. We owe it to ourselves to be kind, understanding and accepting of ourselves.



Source: commons.wikimedia.org

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

Momma this is it for me,

Fallen, cast astray,

little bits of dirt clinging to the asphalt–


Brushed aside, landing in the cracks

of margins made to fit the

likes of me.

Trapped in tornadoes

forever spinning

through the same life,

endings and beginnings–

eternally paired.



Another excerpt…

Source: wallpapersdesktopdownload.blogspot.com

Source: wallpapersdesktopdownload.blogspot.com

I staggered to the door. “Hey baby” I said, letting him in. “Hi, how are ya?” he asked as he stepped inside, and started taking off his bag, his jacket, his boots. “I’m gooood” I replied cheerfully. Perhaps a bit too cheerfully. My happy tone seemed to give me away. “You’ve been drinking haven’t you?” he asked. I sensed the frustration and disappointment in his voice. “Just a little. But vodka will help clear all the bacteria out of my throat and it will help me feel better faster!” I exclaimed, though I could tell he wasn’t buying it.

Without a word he started to unpack the groceries, putting everything away in its rightful place. “I’ll start making the soup in an hour or so” he said. He sounded dejected. I would’ve apologized but I didn’t have it in me. It wasn’t my fault. I’d been home for five days straight with no one to talk to and nothing to do except watch TV shows and movies. My brain was rotting and my last refuge was alcohol. Sweet, sweet alcohol that took me away from this place.

I hadn’t seen him since the first day. Since I found out what it was. At first I thought I should be quarantined–I should make sure I don’t spread this to anyone, especially not him. But as the hours dragged on and my loneliness seeped beneath my skin I couldn’t take it anymore. I begged him to come over and he did.

Thing is, he didn’t realize, it was already too late. My fragile pride had already been shattered. I had lain myself bare, reached the pinnacle of vulnerability and rather than defy my timid words he chose to stay away. He chose to agree with me, with what I said and not what I had meant–not what I hoped he would see beneath the surface.

I know what you’re thinking. A woman playing games right? Well that’s just it: I wasn’t. If you knew me at all you’d know how I am. This is me. It’s not a game. Everything I’ve been through has made me who I am, and that means sometimes you need to learn to read between the lines, to hear what I’m not saying, to feel the desire, the longing, the need in my voice.

Well, he missed it like the rest of them. That’s when I decided this was it. I’ve had enough of this roller coaster, I’m ready to get off for good. So we’ll have our meal. He’s a sweetheart, he’ll make me soup and we’ll watch a movie as we slurp it down.

Then when he’s gone, I will save myself. I will rescue myself from all the misery that is to come. If the past foreshadows the future well hell. I’m done. It’s just a mask I’ve worn for so long I’ve forgotten what’s beneath. Forgotten how to get to it. Well now the mask will finally come off, and I will never have to worry about loneliness or solitude or why I love a man more than he loves me.

The joy in my life never outweighed the pain. Not even close. Not even for a second. Well it’s time I take matters into my own hands, forever tip the scales in my favour.

Bad Day

Today is terrible. I woke up feeling lethargic and unhappy and it just got worse. I’m exhausted and I have no energy right now to go through this. I just need this day to end, need to open my eyes in a different morning and see if anything is better.

Winter kills me. The solitude and loneliness drags on. The frigid weather seeps into my bones.

I get a little bit down on myself. I love to write but lately it’s being ruined for me. It’s never wise to compare yourself to other people. I just wanted to join a writing association and I couldn’t even do that. I need to be published. PROPERLY published. The two self-published books of poetry I was so proud of really count for nothing in the REAL world of writing. I’m getting slightly bitter, I know. I’m aware. Forgive me, soon I’ll be back to myself but today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I can’t shake this.

I’ll say it: I’m just very depressed today. I would like to go home and bury myself beneath my covers and beg sleep to come, usher in a new day. But alas that’s not how it goes. I will drag my feet through this day and hope for a better tomorrow. Try not to get sucked in too deep. Try to remind myself, I have a good life, I have so much to be grateful for. Like a virus, these negative thoughts infect you, bring you down–you have to try to fight them. Fight the feeling that you’ve done nothing with your life, that each day you live is another tick added on your list of regrets, moments missed, opportunities passed. Each day you follow your routine, will one day accumulate–a life. A life of what?

Right now, in the firm grasp of depression, it all looks bleak.

Eternal Escape

Darkness pulls me in


I’m overwhelmed.

A sharpened knife

Along my skin,

The boldness of my

Blood seeps through

The pain

The hatred

Sliced wide open

Watching life release me.

A slow retreat,

An eternal escape

In desperation

I cling to.


I feel a panic attack coming on.


I try to ward away these thoughts-





I try to focus my attention on the moment.

Try to breathe.


It’s a fear that grips me whole.

A fear of being alone

Not just now,

But forever.


A fear of isolation,

A fear that these four walls

This unending silence

The roaring of my thoughts

Will never end.


There’s nothing worse

Than losing hope

In your own future.




Source: scaret.deviantart.com

Source: scaret.deviantart.com

Today I hate myself a little bit.

Not sure why I feel so down,

I feel depressed.


I want to sleep and awaken

In a different place

A different mood,

One that I can stand.


I can’t point fingers,

Just stare into a mirror,

Blame myself.


Or maybe it’s the weather,

The darkened sky

Threatening to rain,

Draws forth my tears,

A magnet for my pain–

Welcome release.


I feel like crying and I’m not even sure why.


Same old question

Resounding in my mind

Bouncing off the walls

Of solitude and emptiness around me–

What exactly is the matter

With me?


Dragged behind my thoughts




Losing a fight

I just want to

Walk away from.